Wednesday, June 21, 2017 by JD Heyes
Tens of millions of Americans were shocked by last week’s assassination attempt against Republican lawmakers who were practicing for their annual softball game against Democrats in northern Virginia.
Long-time Left-wing political activist and one-time campaign volunteer for uber-Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, James T. Hodgkinson, assembled a hit list of GOP lawmakers, staked out their ball field and attacked simply because they were not Democrats.
In short, his disgust with lawmakers who hold different political views became so strong he was moved to violence.
That last time something like this happened — and there were major irreconcilable differences between political factions in America — the South seceded and the nation fought a bloody four-year civil war that killed 700,000 Americans and left large segments of the country devastated.
To a growing number of people, our political divide is growing, not narrowing. Whether the issue is healthcare, tax reform, debt reduction, the environment, so-called “climate change,” or racial tension, the Left and Right are farther apart now than they’ve been since the mid-19th century.
Whether or not our differences will once again lead to secession and civil war remain to be seen, but the more likely danger in the short term is a repeat of what happened recently in northern Virginia: Political disagreement that turns violent. (RELATED: Man looking to “kill as many Republicans as possible” shoots ranking GOP Rep. Scalise; Democrat-inspired political violence now escalating)
Right now it’s plain to see that the Left is most responsible for acts of violence. That is especially true on American university campuses, where conservatives are literally being shouted down or otherwise intimidated into silence. The Left uses fringe political groups like “Antifa” and, sometimes, Black Lives Matter, to create discourse, mayhem and destruction.
And of course this violence has extended beyond the campus environment; it has also manifested itself on American city streets — in protest of President Donald J. Trump, police shootings, court rulings that don’t go their way, and so forth.
“The militant left here has been outrageous. It’s not conservatives that are going out there burning cars and turning them upside down in universities just because someone is speaking,” Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., said in response to Hodgkinson’s assassination attempt, which left House Majority Whip Steve Scalise critically wounded.
“It’s not the conservatives that are saying ‘pigs in a blanket’ and advocating for the killing of police officers. It’s not the conservatives that are shooting people in the baseball field. This militant left is out of control and I think that the so-called moderates should stand up and eschew this and really call them out in a flagrant way.”
These attacks are only going to escalate, of that you can be sure. As Trump Derangement Syndrome continues to fester among the unhinged Left, they will surely lash out again, and perhaps in a more deadly manner, though not necessarily at lawmakers. Political rallies in support of the president, the Republican Party or any issues that are supported by the Right are liable to become targets. Random attacks are increasingly likely.
The point is, it’s no longer practical to simply ignore the festering anger within the country. The Department of Homeland Security has already reported that Trump anger has dramatically increased the threat of domestic terrorism, as reported by The Intercept in March.
“DHS assesses that anger over the results of the 2016 Presidential election continues to be a driver of domestic terrorist violence throughout the United States — as evidenced by rioting in Portland, Oregon, following the election and violence and destruction of property in Washington during the inauguration,” the report notes.
Here’s what you can do to be better prepared:
— Situational awareness: Stay informed of threats in your area and in areas of the country where you might be traveling soon. On-the-ground intel is an invaluable tool.
— Self-defense: If you can be armed where you live (check local laws), then be armed. Those GOP lawmakers Hodgkinson attacked would likely all be dead if they weren’t being protected by two armed Capitol Police officers, who eventually shot the would-be assassin.
— Get in better shape: Being physically fit dramatically improves your chances of getting out of the line of fire if need be, or using force against someone to protect yourself and defend your life. Personal defense training is a big plus.
— Stay sharp: When you’re out in public, keep your eyes and ears open for things that look out of the ordinary.
— Don’t participate: Leave the protesting to others; if you see one forming or if you are in the area where one is already taking place, find somewhere else to be.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
Tagged Under: Tags: civil unrest, civil war, GOP attack, James T. Hodgkinson, prepping, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump hate