The streets of Great Britain are turning into a scene from The Walking Dead now that homeless people and others …
Difficult and unpredictable circumstances such as calamities and disasters have driven more households in the U.S. to gear up their …
While much has been made of the link between violent video games and real-life aggression, a new study published in …
Tucker Carlson continues to keep liberals on their toes. This week he invited Democratic National Committee senior adviser Zac Petkanas …
Since the political Left rose to power and fame on American college campuses in the 1960s, it has been using …
It’s not beyond the realm of possibility, given today’s technology and love for the nanny state among tens of millions …
Anton Pilipa, a 39-year-old Canadian man from Vancouver, has been found wandering in the Amazon after missing since 2012. It …
The 61-year-old billionaire and self-proclaimed “humanitarian,” Bill Gates, has a new, younger protege that wants to follow in his footsteps …
Imagine, if you will, America’s cities being turned into battlefields. The sidewalks where average civilians once walked would be turned …
The Democrat party is quickly becoming the laughing stock of the entire country. As they continue to dress themselves up …
It is entirely possible that driving your vehicle could become illegal in the next dozen or so years, but not …
Thus far, there hasn’t been a shred of proof or evidence offered by the Obama administration that ‘The Russians hacked …
The path to becoming a zombie is diverse. According to the Daily Mail, zombism is scientifically categorized as a “Conscious Deficit Hypoactivity …
Black Friday Zombie shoppers lined up by the hundreds at Best Buy, Target, Walmart, and other Box Box retailers. Have …